
Explanation for return value casting that is going on

#include <Fl/Enumerations.H>
class Color
        static Color amber () {return fl_rgb_color (255, 204, 0);}
        static Color lighter_gray () {return fl_rgb_color (40, 40, 40); }
        static Color light_gray () {return fl_rgb_color (179, 179, 179);}
        static Color gray () {return fl_rgb_color (100, 100, 100);}
        static Color light_blue () {return fl_rgb_color (107, 107, 255);}
        static Color white () {return FL_WHITE;}
        static Color off_white() { return fl_rgb_color(225, 225, 225); }
        static Color cream() { return fl_rgb_color(204, 236, 255); }
        static Color black () {return FL_BLACK;}
        static Color red () {return FL_RED;}
        static Color green () {return FL_GREEN;}
        static Color dark_green () {return fl_rgb_color (0, 169, 45);}
        static Color blue () {return FL_BLUE;}
        static Color background () {return FL_BACKGROUND_COLOR;}

        Color (const Fl_Color& c = Color::black ()) : fl_color_ (c) {}
        operator Fl_Color () const {return fl_color_;}
        void make_current () const;

        Fl_Color fl_color_;

and this is an excerpt of the important parts from Fl/Enumerations.h

enum Fl_Color { // standard colors
  // These are used as default colors in widgets and altered as necessary

  // boxtypes generally limit themselves to these colors so
  // the whole ramp is not allocated:
  FL_GRAY0      = 32,   // 'A'
  FL_DARK3      = 39,   // 'H'
  FL_DARK2      = 45,   // 'N'
  FL_DARK1      = 47,   // 'P'
  FL_BACKGROUND_COLOR   = 49,   // 'R' default background color
  FL_LIGHT1     = 50,   // 'S'
  FL_LIGHT2     = 52,   // 'U'
  FL_LIGHT3     = 54,   // 'W'

  // FLTK provides a 5x8x5 color cube that is used with colormap visuals
  FL_BLACK      = 56,
  FL_RED        = 88,
  FL_GREEN      = 63,
  FL_YELLOW     = 95,
  FL_BLUE       = 216,
  FL_MAGENTA        = 248,
  FL_CYAN       = 223,
  FL_DARK_RED       = 72,

  FL_DARK_GREEN     = 60,
  FL_DARK_YELLOW    = 76,
  FL_DARK_BLUE      = 136,
  FL_DARK_MAGENTA   = 152,
  FL_DARK_CYAN      = 140,

  FL_WHITE      = 255

#define FL_FREE_COLOR       (Fl_Color)16
#define FL_NUM_FREE_COLOR   16
#define FL_GRAY_RAMP        (Fl_Color)32
#define FL_NUM_GRAY     24
#define FL_COLOR_CUBE       (Fl_Color)56
#define FL_NUM_RED      5
#define FL_NUM_GREEN        8
#define FL_NUM_BLUE     5

FL_EXPORT Fl_Color fl_inactive(Fl_Color c);
FL_EXPORT Fl_Color fl_contrast(Fl_Color fg, Fl_Color bg);
FL_EXPORT Fl_Color fl_color_average(Fl_Color c1, Fl_Color c2, float weight);
inline Fl_Color fl_lighter(Fl_Color c) { return fl_color_average(c, FL_WHITE, .67f); }
inline Fl_Color fl_darker(Fl_Color c) { return fl_color_average(c, FL_BLACK, .67f); }
inline Fl_Color fl_rgb_color(uchar r, uchar g, uchar b) {

  if (!r && !g && !b) return FL_BLACK;
  else return (Fl_Color)(((((r <开发者_如何学Python< 8) | g) << 8) | b) << 8);
inline Fl_Color fl_rgb_color(uchar g) {
  if (!g) return FL_BLACK;
  else return (Fl_Color)(((((g << 8) | g) << 8) | g) << 8);
inline Fl_Color fl_gray_ramp(int i) {return (Fl_Color)(i+FL_GRAY_RAMP);}
inline Fl_Color fl_color_cube(int r, int g, int b) {
  return (Fl_Color)((b*FL_NUM_RED + r) * FL_NUM_GREEN + g + FL_COLOR_CUBE);}

I have been unable to wrap my mind about what is going on in the following class with regard to the static class definitions returning FL_COLOR enumerations. I can't see how Fl_Color could have any knowledge of the Color class and how the compiler could have any idea of how to convert an Fl_Color into a Color. I do realize that Color has an implicit conversion to Fl_Color, but I didn't think that conversion went both ways. How does this work? Does the compiler just call the constructor and pass in the return value as the first parameter?

The static methods returning a Color all return the result of a call to fl_rgb_color.

fl_rgb_color returns a Fl_Color and Color has a single parameter constructor which is not marked explicit and takes a reference to a const Fl_Color so this is a valid implict conversion.

The return value of fl_rgb_color is a temporary but because Color takes the Fl_Color parameter by a const reference it is legal to bind the temporary to the constructor parameter. Its lifetime lasts until the construction of the Color object (itself also a temporary for a return value) completes.

implicitly runs the Color constructor on the F1_color before returning

The constructor for Color takes an Fl_Color parameter so the compiler will use it implicitly to convert Fl_Color to Color when necessary. This is normal behaviour for C++ constructors that take a single parameter and are not marked with the explicit keyword.

Fl_Color is implicitly convertible to Color, because Color has non-explicit constructor that takes Fl_Color as a parameter.





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