
Is it likely ever to be possible to compile from D 2.0 to Javascript?

Long-term C++ programmer (that's me) exploring other languages and is wondering whether it is worth learning much about D 2.0. (That is the clean slate re-write of D.) So far, I like what I see - many pragmatic, wise choices. Now, I want to learn a little more and want to know whether it is likely ever to be possible to do the following:

  1. Write some code in D 2.0. (Maybe it is a well-defined subset of D 2.0.)
  2. Compile the code from 1.
  3. Receive Javascript source code from the compiler.

In summary, I would like to have a D 2.0 compiler with a backend capable of generating Javascript.

So my question has two parts:

  1. Does such a compiler exist already?
  2. If such a compiler does not exist, and if I chose to implement one, where would be the best place to start?

For context, the reason that I would like the above is so that I could implement a bunch of business logic in D 2.0, and then use that business logic in a pure Javascript (that is no Flash/Silverlight/Java) Web Application.


I have had three answers, two of which are on-topic, and one that is not and is therefore ignored.

@FeepingCreature reckons that it will never happen because "it's too incongruous with D's targeted environment". I am interested to know what that means, and have asked.

@Nekuromento , in contrast, points out that it is already theoretically possible using LDC, followed by the LLVM Javascript backend. I checked out b开发者_StackOverflow社区oth links. LDC support for D 2.0 looks like a work in progress. But I would guess it will get there at some point. The LLVM Javascript is also not optimised or minified, but it looks from the demos that they work. So I think that is enough to be useful at the very least.

Update 2

OK - this seems to be the best solution to date.

  1. Invoke LDC. (@Nekuromento) LDC combines the Digital Mars front-end with an LLVM backend.
  2. Pipe the output from 1. through the LLVM Javscript backend. (@Nekuromento)
  3. Pipe the output from 2. though Closure (@BCS)

I will choose a best answer fairly soon, but I would like some more-informed opinion really.

Update 3

Some more information on why I want to do this.

Here is a concrete example of one project that I wish to implement. It will be a geometric modelling library, probably written by just me, taking several years to write, and ending up at about 100,000 lines of code. I would like it to contain as close to zero bugs as possible, and, therefore, I do not wish to implement it in Javascript. I would like it to run on the server, on the desktop, and in the browser too. (By in "in the browser" I mean without the assistance of any plugin such as Flash, Silverlight or Java.) The truth is that code in the browser running on Javascript is here to stay for a while. Projects will increasingly need a strategy to deal with that.

Update 4

I was hoping for some more answers, but didn't get them. Ah well, never mind. Thanks for all the feedback, including @dsimicha 's stimulating comments. (I hope it is OK to disagree technically sometimes, while at the same time keeping things civil.) I have accepted @Nekuromento 's answer.

Update 5 2018-07-18

Seven years on, LDC v1.11 supports compiling and linking to WebAssembly.3

Such a compiler currently does not exist, but there is some work on javascript LLVM-backend.

As there is LDC. It uses DMD front-end and LLVM, so theoretically one can add javascript output to it.

Keep your eye on the D newsgroups over the next few days, I'm working on something you might be interested in (or rather, exactly what you want). It can currently compile:

int foo()
    if (true)
        return 3;

I'm hoping to get an alpha/beta of some sort out within the next week.

Short answer: No.

Long answer: Really. No.

Less Snarky Answer: it's too incongruous with D's targeted environment.

If you chose to implement one - hell, more power to you, but you have your work cut out for ya. Probably best to start with reading the DMD frontend, which is FOSS (and, afaik, distributed in the standard DMD zip).





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