
Actionscript 3 - Max. 3 sockets from one client?

I was trying to write a stress tester for my own protocol when I stumbled up on this problem.

Anytime I create more than 4 connections from one PC Flash denies to receive anymore messages from the server although I'm still able to connect, and write message开发者_运维问答s.

Could this have anything to do with the flash policy file? Or does this have something to do with security issues?

What browser are you using? I'm taking a guess at IE. All internet communication goes through the browser Flash is currently running on (if in exec mode, goes through the OS' browser). Therefore, the max connection is based on the settings of the browser. I believe IE 6 had a limit of 2. This might of gone up over the years. There is a way to increase the limit, but I don't remember it offhand. If you're using Firefox, I believe the limit is 10.

Now, what I don't understand in all this is why you're using Flash as a stress tester. Flash is front end language, not something to use for testing. If you want to do it properly, use Java or C# or anything else that isn't entirely view based and single threaded...





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