Insert generated ID of link record with optional link into another table
I'm trying to query 2 tables to generate records for a third table which only sometimes links to both of the other tables, and insert the ID generated for the third table into a fourth table that I can use to prevent re-generation if already generated records in the third table. Below is a simplified example of what I'm trying to do.
create table #T1(id1 int primary key identity(100,1) not null, value nvarchar(10))
create table #T2(id2 int primary key identity(200,1) not null, value nvarchar(10))
insert into #T1(value) values('a')
insert into #T1(value) values('b')
insert into #T1(value) values('c')
insert into #T2(value) values('c')
insert into #T2(value) values('b')
insert into #T2(value) values('d')
create table #T3(id3 int primary key identity(300,1) not null, id2 int null, value nvarchar(10))
create table #T3Info(id1 int not null, id3 int not null)
insert into #T3(id2, value)
output inserted.id2
into #T3Info(id1, id3)
select #T2.id2, #T1.value
from #T1
left join #T2 on #T1.value = #T2.value
left join #T3Info join #T3 on #T3.id3 = #T3Info.id3
on #T3Info.id1 = #T1.id1
where #T3Info.id1 is null
I can't do this because #T1.id1 is not being inserted into #T3. Without altering the schema of #T1 through #T3, what can I do to get the information I want into #T3Info?
I would like to end up with:
id3 | id2 | value
300 | NULL | a
301 | 201 | b
302 | 200 | c
id1 | id3
100 | 300
101 | 301
102 | 302
I think this statement will do the trick!
merge into #T3
select #T1.id1, #T1.value
from #T1
left join #T2 on #T1.value = #T2.value
left join #T3Info on #T3Info.id1 = #T1.id1) src
on src.id3 = #T3.id3
when not matched by target then
insert(id2, value) values(src.id2, src.value)
output src.id1, inserted.id3
into #T3Info;
Any comments about the reliability of this?