
Is it possible to send an html email with PHP that inludes CSS decoration without using MIME?

I need to send an email with PHP that is decorated with CSS. My code as of right now works just fine for sending an html email. But, I can't seem to find out how to decorate it.

Here is my code:

    $message =  "<html>
                        <style type='text/css'>
                            #show {border:solid 1px #c4c4c4; background-color:#f0f0f0; width:400px;}
                            #red {color:#F02311}
                            #header {font-size:14px}
                            p {color:#090127}
                        <div id='show'>
                            <a id='red' href='http://www.thered-line.com'>The Red-line</a>

                            Hi $first_name, 

                            Your Red-line account is almost complete. To finish, go to <a href='www.thered-line.com'>The Red-line</a> and enter开发者_开发知识库 your eight digit confirmation code.

                            Your confirmation code is: <b>$code</b>

                        </p> <br />

                            The Red-line Operator

I haven't used the PHP libraries, but when I created mail with .Net I never included elements like <head> or <body>. I don't think html mail messages are designed to be complete Html documents.

I would recommend that you included your <style> element, then go right into your content like this:

<style type='text/css'>
        #show {border:solid 1px #c4c4c4; background-color:#f0f0f0; width:400px;}
        #red {color:#F02311}
        #header {font-size:14px}
        p {color:#090127}
<div id='show'>
       <a id='red' href='http://www.thered-line.com'>The Red-line</a>

      Hi $first_name, 

      Your Red-line account is almost complete. To finish, go to <a href='www.thered-line.com'>The Red-line</a> and enter your eight digit confirmation code.

       Your confirmation code is: <b>$code</b>

 </p> <br />

       The Red-line Operator

I'd recommend taking a look into http://www.email-standards.org/ . Several major webmail-clients remove or modify a bunch of important html elements - including <style ...>.

Inline-styles prevent your mailing from getting stripped off style completly. From the mentioned page you can propably assemble your own set of supported /needed style attributes.





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