
Tutorial for learning xaml for windows phone 7

I want to develop mobile appli开发者_高级运维cations for the WINDOWS PHONE 7 using silverlight. Can anybody suggest me suitable tutorial please. Thanks in advance.

Well you should probably start at MSDN on the Phone Platform section.

Then I would recommend you go and download the Windows Phone 7 Developer Training Kit which contains some introductory tutorials on getting started with WP7 and building your first app.

From there you can check out a couple of different things like the following:

  1. This resource, WP7 in 7 minutes was pretty helpful for accomplishing basic tasks when programming for WP7.

  2. The App Hup is a great spot for finding resources for developing for WP7 also (They have both Silverlight and XNA samples there).

  3. This place, Windows Phone 7 Tutorials - Kirupa.com also has some pretty good tutorials.

  4. EugeneDOTNET has a ton of tutorials as well It's definetly worth checking out.

My last suggestion would be to follow Erno's suggestion and read the free book by Charles Petzold. That book is great for just getting started.

Keep in mind that most of these resources require you have a little experience in .NET and C#. If you want to learn that first check out this other free book by Rob Miles on learing C#.

Hope this helps.

A lot depends on your experience.

If you know .NET get started with the free book from Charles Petzold

The Windows Phone 7 for Absolute Beginners series on Channel 9 is an excellent way to get started.

Check out the QuickStart guides in the app.hub at http://create.msdn.com/en-us/education/quickstarts

also watch the JumStart training sessions on Channel9 http://channel9.msdn.com/Blogs/egibson/Windows-Phone-7-Jump-Start-Session-1-of-12-Introduction

I used this "Introduction to Windows Mobile 7 Development " when i first started.





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