
how to fetch friend's birthday details in iphone app

Hi all i am new to iphone app development world!! i am 开发者_运维问答working on an iphone application and trying to fetch friends B'Day details from fbConnect.

can anyone please guide me as how to do this. i have shown friends list in UITableView but could not understand as how to get their Birth date.

Any help is more than welcome

Googling gave me this SO question: Facebook: Unable to get users' birthday

Edit: Apparently it's not a simple web api as i thought. But i think you should look for user_birthday on http://developers.facebook.com/docs/authentication/permissions/. I got there from http://developers.facebook.com/docs/guides/mobile/#ios, and i believe you can request birthdays just like you request other things.

If this does not work, can you show me how you request other data?

Edit 2: Try out this SO question: Starting out with an application for Facebook Connect on the iPhone





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