Current date, current month?
Iam trying to display a create date unless the create date is in the current month - then I would like to say "New Record" but someting is wrong with my formula a开发者_开发知识库s I am getting an error saying "a date is required here" but I just want the system to validate whether the create date is in the current month - I don't want to modify this report every 1st day of the month - is that possible? Thanks in advance for your help.
if ({SyndMail_Errors.Create Date} = Month(currentdate())) then "New Record" else {SyndMail_Errors.Create Date}
Try this:
DateVar FirstDate := Date(year(CurrentDateTime), month(CurrentDateTime), 1);
if ({SyndMail_Errors.Create Date} >= FirstDate) then "New Record" else
ToText({SyndMail_Errors.Create Date},"MM/dd/yyyy")