Url escape/unescape functions in MonoTouch
I am looking for url escape and unescape functions in MonoTouch. Essentially I am looking for the MonoTouch equivalent of the method stringByReplacingPercentEscapesUsingEncoding, as in the follow line of objective-c code:
NSString *args = [(NSString*)[components objectAtIndex:3]
I was expecting to be able to translate this to something like this:
string args = URL.Unescape(components[3]);
Do URL escape/unescape functions exist in MonoTouch or do 开发者_开发百科I have to roll my own?
System.Web.HttpUtility.UrlDecode (string s);
Which is in System.Web.Services.dll in monotouch.
It is not present in the version of the .Net framework included with MonoTouch.
I believe I got the source for it off of Google Code here.
You may want to look up the license for this, I used it for a personal iPhone app.
In addition to answer, Split has params parameter Split('&','='); expression firstly split by & then '=' so odd elements are all values to be encoded shown below.
public static void EncodedQueryString(ref string queryString)
var array=queryString.Split('&','=');
for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++) {
string part=array[i];
You should encode just the values generally.