
How do I remove an attachment on a Jira ticket?

The permission "Delete all Attachments" is granted to the group "jira-users". I am member of "jira-users". Though, I do not see a way to remove开发者_如何学Python an attatchment (a screenshot actually).

I am by no means a JIRA expert, but on our instance (v4.2.4-b591#591), there is a drop down arrow next to the "+" icon to add an attachment. In that drop down, there is a "Manage Attachments" option. You should be able to figure it out from there...

How do I remove an attachment on a Jira ticket?

As of October, 2015, it's changed a little and I thought I would post a new answer since this is the first Google result!

According to a forum post, the only way to remove attachments is to open the issue in the "Issue" view and not the "Projects" view, click on the issue, scroll down to the attachments, and then hit the trashcan icon when scrolling over the image.

Source: Jira Forum

It's not directly possible in the greenhopper detail view. You first have to open the issue in the normal JIRA issue detail view through clicking on the issue key in the greenhopper detail view. In the normal JIRA view you should see a trash can icon if you hover over an attachment. If not, you should check your permissions





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