Resizable Button with background in flash CS4
I want to create a button which resize dynamically with content. to achieve this, I created a MovieClip in library and added four layers into it namely - text, bg, shadow and border.
Problem I'm having is, if I make textfield autosize, only textfield resizes and others stuff remain as it is. if I calculate width required using xxxLineMetrics function and apply it to Button, background resizes properly but textfield also stretches with them and looks ugly.
I want backgrounds(sibling of textfield) resize properly with textfield so button looks nice with resized background and normal autosized textfield.
I hope u guys got what I want...any help appreciated...
you should apply the calculated width to the bg movieclip only and not to the whole movieclip. Because this will change the textfield's width too.
so try something like this:
txt.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.LEFT;
txt.text = "label"; = txt.width;
you can try the code below:
import flash.display.MovieClip;
import flash.display.Sprite;
import flash.text.TextField;
import flash.text.TextFieldAutoSize;
* class represents the MyButton Movieclip in your library containing a dynamic
* textfield with instancename txt
* and a background movieclip with instance name bg
public class MyButton extends MovieClip
public var txt : TextField;
public var bg : MovieClip;
public function MyButton(label : String)
txt.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.LEFT;
txt.text = label;
bg.width = txt.width;