How to phpexplode a string with code in it?
I am trying to use php's explode to divide a string into two. However that string is html code and php does not seem to agree.
This is what works:
$pizza = "hello<!--a-->world";
$pieces = explode("<!--a-->", $pizza);
echo $pieces[0];
echo "<br/><br/>";
echo $pieces[1];
This does not work, I receive this error
$pizza = "<div id=main><div id=cnt><div id=sfcnt><div id=sform style="height:43px"></div><div class=tsf-p style=visibility:hidden></div></div><noscript><style>.bl{display:none !important}</style></noscript><div id=subform_ctrl><div style="float:right"><a href="/advanced_search?q=hotels&hl=en&prmd=ivnscm" class="gl nobr" style="color:#36c">Advanced search</a></div><div><div id=resultStats>Ab开发者_开发知识库out 462,000,000 results<nobr> (0.18 seconds) </nobr></div></div></div><div id=nr_container style="position:relative;zoom:1"><div id=center_col><div id=res class=med role=main><div id=topstuff></div><!--a--><h2 class=hd>Search Results</h2>";
$pieces = explode("<!--a-->", $pizza);
echo $pieces[0];
echo "<br/><br/>";
echo $pieces[1];
The only difference is in the strings. I am new to PHP, is there a problem with using html in strings?
Any help would be much appreciated.
In fact you must escape the " in your html code. Two methods :
$pizza = "<div id=main><div id=cnt><div id=sfcnt><div id=sform style=\"height:43px\">...";
Or by changing to signle quotes :
$pizza = '<div id=main><div id=cnt><div id=sfcnt><div id=sform style="height:43px">...';
Good luck.
Your html contains double quotes ("). These must be escaped to make a valid php string