NHibernate fluent (QueryOver) replacement for HQL with correlated subquery
Background, using FluentNHibernate, lastest dev build working with NHibernate 3.0.
Here is the type declarations for WorkIncident:
// Enumeration used in class below.
public enum TicketStatus
Open = 1,
Closed = 10,
Hold = 20
// Ticket class.
public class WorkIncident
public virtual int EntryId { get; set; }
public virtual int TicketNumber { get; set; }
public virtual string ModifierNtId { get; set; }
public virtual DateTime ModifiedDate { get; set; }
public virtual TicketStatus Status { get; set; }
public virtual int Version { get; set; }
public virtual string Title { get; set; }
public virtual string Details { get; set; }
// FluentNHibernate mapping
public class WorkIncidentMap : ClassMap<WorkIncident>
public WorkIncidentMap()
Id( wi => wi.EntryId, "wiid");
Map(wi =>开发者_Python百科; wi.TicketNumber, "workitem_number");
Map(wi => wi.Title, "workitem_title");
Map(wi => wi.Details, "workitem_comment");
Map(wi => wi.ModifiedDate, "workitem_modified_on");
Map(wi => wi.ModifierNtId, "modified_by_worker_nt_id");
Map(wi => wi.Status, "workitem_status_lookup_id").CustomType<EnumType<Status>>();
Map(wi => wi.Version, "workitem_version");
The mapping works fine, and I can do queries like the following with no problems:
.Where(ai => ai.ModifierNtId == worker.Name.Replace("\\", @"\"))
.AndRestrictionOn(ai => ai.ModifiedDate)
This gives me all of the work items (basically help desk trouble tickets) touched by a specific user on the current date.
However, I have been having trouble translating the following HQL into a fluent declaration:
from WorkIncident as t1
where t1.ModifierNtId = :ntid
and t1.ModifiedDate between :startdate and :enddate
and t1.Status = :status
and (t1.Version = 1
or t1.TicketNumber in (
select t2.TicketNumber
from WorkIncident as t2
where t2.Status != t1.Status
and t2.TicketNumber = t1.TicketNumber
and t2.Version = t1.Version - 1))
This query gives me the list of all work items that were placed in a closed status by a worker. Given the way the tickets are stored in the database (each ticket has multiple records (one for each update) and supervisors will often add notes to a ticket after a worker has closed it, leads to situations where I can't just look at the last version number with a closed status to reliably tell me who closed a ticket.
Any help would be greatly appreciated, as I would prefer to move away from HQL and magic strings as much as possible.
I think this should do the trick. The tough part is really handling that mathematical operation you've got there. You have to get into SQLFunction projections
session.QueryOver<WorkIncident>(() => t1Alias)
.Where(w => w.ModifierNtId == "test")
.And(w => w.ModifiedDate < DateTime.Now && w.ModifiedDate > DateTime.Now)
.And(w => w.Status == TicketStatus.Open)
.Add(Restrictions.Where<WorkIncident>(w => w.TicketNumber == 1))
.Add(Subqueries.WhereProperty(() => t1Alias.TicketNumber).In(
QueryOver.Of<WorkIncident>(() => t2Alias)
.Where(() => t2Alias.Status != t1Alias.Status)
.And(() => t2Alias.TicketNumber == t1Alias.TicketNumber)
Projections.Property<WorkIncident>(w=> w.Version),
new VarArgsSQLFunction("(","-",")"),
Projections.Property(()=> t1Alias.Version),
.Select(w => w.TicketNumber)))
In my test, this generated the following SQL
SELECT <snip...>
FROM incident_details this_
WHERE this_.modified_by_worker_nt_id = @p0
and (this_.workitem_modified_on < @p1 and this_.workitem_modified_on > @p2)
and this_.workitem_status_lookup_id = @p3
and (this_.workitem_number = @p4
or this_.workitem_number in
(SELECT this_0_.workitem_number as y0_
FROM incident_details this_0_
WHERE not (this_0_.workitem_status_lookup_id = this_.workitem_status_lookup_id)
and this_0_.workitem_number = this_.workitem_number
and this_0_.workitem_version = (this_.workitem_version-@p5)));
@p0 = 'test' [Type: String (0)], @p1 = 10/26/2012 11:26:24 PM [Type: DateTime (0)], @p2 = 10/26/2012 11:26:24 PM [Type: DateTime (0)], @p3 = 1 [Type: Int32 (0)], @p4 = 1 [Type: Int32 (0)], @p5 = 1 [Type: Int32 (0)]