gingerbread emulator support for opengl es 2.0 [duplicate]
Possible Duplicate:
Does the Android Emulator support OpenGL ES 2.0?
I read here that android sdk 2.3 has emulator support for opengles 2.0.
However after upgrading my eclipse environment with the latest sdk I fail to find any support. To be honest I can't find where in the documentation that it claims to be supported.
I have a small 2.2 targeted app that runs on the galaxys s 2.2, but cannot run it on any emulator.
Am I missing something?
Check the accepted answer to the question you referenced. It points out that, while SDK 2.3 has support for the Java bindings to OpenGLES2, the emulator provides an implementation only for OpenGLES1, not OpenGLES2.