
Releasing a view controller after a CATransition: Am I doing this right?

My application is loading a first view (used to login into a Web service). When t开发者_JAVA技巧he login is successful, it performs a CATransition (basic kCATransitionFromRight) to show a second view and hides the first view. I've set the delegate of the transition to self so I can use -(void)animationDidStop:(CATransition *)theAnimation finished:(BOOL)flag.

When that method is called (right after the transition is over) I want to release the first view since I won't need it anymore. However, when I call [firstView release] (in animationDidStop:) the retain count doesn't seem to change. I used [loginView retainCount] to check this and since I know it's not always reliable I was wondering: am I doing this right?

Thank you.

taken from the book "Cocoa Touch for iPhone OS 3" is a similar approach.
They set up an animation remove the old subview, add the new one and then commit the animation.

Jilouc in his comment is right, forget to check "retaincount"...

if you want to be sure that your object view firstView just add a

NSLog(@"i'm removing myFirstView"); 

in its



if you get that NSLog in debugger console window then be sure you had it removed/released in the right way...

btw... the right way could be something like this:

in animationDidStop:

if (firstView!=nil){
    [firstView.view removeFromSuperview];
    [firstView release];




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