
Using Zend_Log in custom classes

I am using Zend_Log, and other required classes, without the MVC framework. I want to add Zend's logging cap开发者_开发百科abilities (and other modules in the future) to my custom classes and I am wondering what the best approach is for doing so.

Right now I have a wrapper for the Zend logger so, presumably, I can access it globally:

My_log::log('Testing', Zend_Log::INFO);

Should I be adding this code to each method in my classes that I want to log? Should I not create logs inside my classes? Is there a smarter way?

I appreciate the help, DC

Dependency injection container seems like a great solution if your app can be integrated. All static calls cause issues in testing environment.

have look around this doc http://components.symfony-project.org/dependency-injection/trunk/book/04-Builder

Worst case i would create a static getter like My_Log::get()->error("message"); the only point is that now you will be able to easily fix the test environemnt to make get return a fake instance. All your My_Log needs is a setLogger($logger) which will replace the static instance with a mock or whatever. Any way static calls are bad :/ if possible try to decouple classes so they would depend on as few classes as possible. Even injecting logger manually into your class constructor is a better idea. If you have MVC action plugin or a base controller could provide lazy loading getLogger() so your code could do $this->getLogger()->error('...');






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