Windows Search equivalent to Indexing Services "vpath" and "characterication"
I'm trying to move a website that was on:
- Windows 2003,
- IIS 6, and
- Indexing Services
- Windows 2008,
- IIS 7, and
- Windows Search
It's Windows Search that's giving me a problem. I've set up a Windows Search to index the physical folder that contains the site, and I can query 开发者_开发百科for file names, but what is the new equivalent of vpath
and characterization
None of these seem to be the answer.
characterization = System.Search.AutoSummary
Query the "directory","filename" properties from the Indexing Service. Then, using ASP Classic / VbScript, with RS representing a recordset:
Function MapURL( Path )
' opposite of server.mappath - takes a filesystem path and turns it into a url
Dim AppPath
AppPath = Server.MapPath("/")
path = Replace(path,apppath,"",1,-1,1)
path = Replace(path,"\","/",1,-1,1)
MapURL = path
End Function
Dim vpath
do while not rs.EOF
vpath = rs("directory") & "/" & rs("filename")
response.write MapURL(vpath)
Based on ASP.NET code from