
ffmpeg black screen, sound working fine [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.

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When converting an .flv file to .mp4 i used this command:

ffmpeg -i y.mp4.flv -ar 22050 y.mp4

Sound is fine but i have no image (not in web player & not when downloaded to pc) . FFmpeg is working fine when i'm grabbing some screens from .mp4 for "preview.jpg" files. So am I missing some kind of codec? (First time i'm converting video without commercial software... )

Also i'd like to ask if the is a more efficient way to开发者_如何转开发 detect file type then:

$video = file_get_contents("www.remotefile.com/1.mp4");
if (strpos($video, "flv") !== 0){// FLV, fLV etc
  file_put_contents($path."1.flv", $video);
  //further processing 

Edit: im using Debian Lenny as OS

Your black screen problem can only be solved by looking at the output of the ffmpeg command. If it can't detect a codec, it will say so. If you are using ffmpeg from Debian, it's likely to miss support for some formats.

 Stream #0.1: Video: unknown   // or something like that

(Your URLs are wrong. It needs a http:// prefix). Detecting the video type is achieved best by reading out the HTTP response header Content-Type. But that would be easier when using a HTTP library instead of file_get_contents.

If you want to rely on file extensions, then use this for simplicity:

if (strrchr($url, ".") == ".flv") {

Or a switch statement.





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