
Crazy Access Violation in C++ Builder 6

I have the following code, and for the life of me, I cannot understand why there would be an Access Violation exception? I even deleted all the OBJs, TDS etc files and put it into a new project, still the Access Violation occurs.

Essentially, this code displays a TListView in a TFrame and is to show the various current times around the world for different time zones.

Note: The code is in C++ Builder 6.

Can someone help?

BLOODY-HELL-UPDATE: Solved. I should not add items to TListView in the TFrame constructor. DUMB DUMB DUMB.

MAJOR UPDATE: It seems that when the UpdateTimes() is called via the timer, the "li->Deleting" property is TRUE. When called outside the timer, it is FALSE. Now why would "li->Deleting" be set to 'true' because it is called from the timer? If i do:

if(li->Deleting == false)
  li->Caption = "abcd";

It doesnt enter the if(), when UpdateTimes() is called from the timer...... argggggh!!!

UPDATE: It seems like if I call UpdateTimes() outside of the TTimer, it works fine. But when called from the timer, it throws the Access Violation. What gives?

Header File:

#ifndef CurrentTimes_FrameH
#define CurrentTimes_FrameH
#include <Classes.hpp>
#include <Controls.hpp>
#include <StdCtrls.hpp>
#include <Forms.hpp>
#include <ExtCtrls.hpp>
#include <ComCtrls.hpp>
#include <list>
using namespace std;
  AnsiString TimeZoneName;
  AnsiString PlaceName;
  int    UtcOffsetMinutes;
  TListItem* ListItem;
class TCurrentTimesFrame : public TFrame
__published:    // IDE-managed Components
    TTimer *Timer;
    TListView *ListView;
    void __fastcall TimerTimer(TObject *Sender);
private:    // User declarations
public:     // User declarations
    __fastcall TCurrentTimesFrame(TComponent* Owner);
//User Code
    list<LOCATIONTIMEINFORMATION>   FTimeInformation;
  typedef list<LOCATIONTIMEINFORMATION>::iterator LocationTimeInformationItr;
  void AddTimeInformation(LOCATIONTIMEINFORMATION lti);
  void UpdateTimes();

CPP File:

#include <vcl.h>
#pragma hdrstop
#include "CurrentTimes_Frame.h"
#pragma package(smart_init)
#pragma resource "*.dfm"
__fastcall TCurrentTimesFrame::TCurrentTimesFrame(TComponent* Owner): TFrame(Owner)
  Timer->Enabled = false;
    lti.TimeZoneName = "UTC";
    lti.PlaceName = "Near Greenwich, England";
    lti.UtcOffsetMinutes = 0;
  //UPADTED: Don't add TListItem from constructor 
void TCurrentTimesFrame::AddTimeInformation(LOCATIONTIMEINFORMATION lti)
  TListItem* li = ListView->Items->Add();
  li->Caption = lti.TimeZoneName;
  li->SubItems->Add("<time will come here>");
  lti.ListItem = li;
  ShowMessage(AnsiString(lti.ListItem->ClassName())); //Correctly shows "TListItem"

  LOCATIONTIMEINFORMATION temp = FTimeInformation.front();
  ShowMessage(AnsiString(temp.ListItem->ClassName())); //Correctly shows "TListItem"
  Timer->Enabled = true;
void __fastcall TCurrentTimesFrame::TimerTimer(TObject *Sender)
void TCurrentTimesFrame::UpdateTimes()
  Timer->Enabled = false;
  TListItem* li;
  for(LocationTimeInformationItr itr=FTimeInformation.begin();itr!=FTimeInformation.end();itr++)
    li = itr->ListItem;

    ShowMessage(AnsiString(li->ClassName())); //Access Violation:
    ShowMessage() above shows:

    Debugger Exception Notification
    Project XX.exe raised exception class EAccessViolation with message 'Access violation at address 4000567D in module 'rtl60.bpl'. Read of address 00000000'. Process stopped. Use Step or Run to continue.
    OK   Help
  Timer->Enabled = true;

UPDATE A sample code demo'ing that list takes items as copy, not reference. (As far as I can see, please correct me if im making some mistake in the code below)

@Craig Young:

I'm confused... I thought structs would be added to the list as a copy not as a reference? Please take a look at the code below, it seems that a copy is being made? Or am I missing something rudimentary? Or a coding mistake below??

void PopulateData()
    AnsiString DebugText;


  //Prints "junk"

    OnStack.TimeZoneName = "UTC";
    OnStack.PlaceName = "Near Greenwich, England";
    OnStack.UtcOffsetMinutes = 10;
    OnStack.ListItem = (TListItem*)20;

  //Add data to list

  //Get struct from list


  //Change OnStack
    OnStack.TimeZoneName = "NONE";
    OnStack.PlaceName = "USA";
    OnStack.UtcOffsetMinutes = 50;
    OnStack.ListItem = (TListItem*)90;


  //Change InList:
    InList.TimeZoneName = "SOME";
    InList.PlaceName = "BRAZIL";
    InList.UtcOffsetMinutes = 66;
    InList.ListItem = (TListItem*)88;


EDIT: My answer is incorrect, I've decided to leave it in place because it is worthwhile bearing in mind that if your collection (list) holds elements by reference, this is a very real possibility for 'strange access violations'. The symptoms described would correlate perfectly had it not been for the STL list keeping a copy of the elements.

Hi Liao,

You wrote: "BLOODY-HELL-UPDATE: Solved. I should not add items to TListView in the TFrame constructor."

I'm going to disagree with you; you have not solved it. While not necessarily a good idea (in terms of design), adding items to TListView in the TFrame constructor should not cause access violations.

EDIT: Despite my answer below being incorrect, I still disagree with Liao's 'BLOODY-HELL-UPDATE'. Adding items to TListView in the TFrame constructor should not cause access violations. In fact I took the original code and tested it in CPBB 2009, and it worked perfectly. This suggests that the error may have been in how the frame was used; or some other aspect of the code that was not demonstrated.

The problem is with the following line in the constructor:

  • This allocates lti on the stack.
  • You then add lti to a list; or more correctly: you add a reference to lti to the list.
  • When your constructor goes out of scope, so does lti; and that memory can be reused by any other part of your application.
  • Later when your timer attempts the update, the reference in FTimeInformation is still there.
  • You use this reference to lookup where lti was.
  • If that section of memory has been changed by any other part of your application, then ltr->ListItem no longer references the TListItem that was created in the constructor. Instead it references some other part of memory that it tries to use as if it were a TListItem. Therefore you experience 'strange' problems such as:
    • li->Deleting == false
    • li->ClassName causing an access violation.

NOTE: Whether or not you actually get an access violation usually depends a bit on luck: Consider yourself lucky if you do get the access violation; the other option is usually 'inexplicable' erratic behaviour.

Try modifying your constructor as follows, it should fix the access violation. NOTE: lti is now dynamically allocated, you'll have to decide when to free it, otherwise you'll have a memory leak ;)

lti->TimeZoneName = "UTC";
lti->PlaceName = "Near Greenwich, England";
lti->UtcOffsetMinutes = 0;

I can't actually see any problem with the code.

Try printing the TimeZoneName or PlaceName from your iterator, rather than li->ClassName(), to make sure you haven't accidentally added something else to the list or something...

What values do you have in FTimeInformation? For example, is li == NULL?

If we can assume that the access violation occurs the first time through the loop, and li points to a valid TListItem then perhaps we should split the three statements on the line over three lines. Something like this:

const char* className = li->ClassName();
AnsiString  ansiString(className);

If the access violation doesn't happen on the first line this will tell us something interesting.





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