How to Remove a not - html tag - CID
Given text like:
This is my reply. This is paragraph one.
This is paragraph two. Capture everything before me as this is the last sentence.
What's the best way to remove the cid tags, resulting in just:
This is my reply. This is paragraph one.
This is paragraph two. Capture everything before me as this is the last sentence.
If you want to catch that very specific format you'd do:
regex = /\[cid:[0-9A-Fa-f]{8}-[0-9A-Fa-f]{4}-[0-9A-Fa-f]{4}-[0-9A-Fa-f]{4}-[0-9A-Fa-f]{12}\]/
body[0..(body =~ regex).to_i-1]
If you want to loosen it up a little you'd do:
body[0..(body =~ /\[cid:/).to_i-1]
If you aren't sure there will be content before the [cid declaration then you should pull it out and do this:
regex = # choose your expression
test = body =~ regex
body[0..(test.nil? ? -1 : test - 1)]