Looking for Comet-Style server or client [closed]
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开发者_如何学CClosed 8 years ago.
Improve this questionI'm looking for a good and simple way to notify my clients about some events in a "push"-way, just like the Comet/Long-Polling server do.
The main idea was to set-up a server and create an app with C# which will act as a client.
I've found a good thing, Comet server (currently NGINX with http_push module). But as i've got from other user experience, it's not that good for external apps (C, C++, C#, other), it's just was think to push messages on the web (or I'm wrong there?).
So, I 'm looking for a good way how to notify clients in that way, or may be someone knows good client/library in C# for a Comet-Style client?
There is a good article here: http://www.codeproject.com/KB/aspnet/CometAsync.aspx
It implements both client and server in c# (ASP.NET for server)
Check out WebSync. It's got client implementations in a bunch of languages, one of which is (naturally) c#.