
Ruby interpreter (CUI) 1.9.2p180 [i386-mingw32] has stopped working (I am not using MySQL)

My ruby interpreter is crashing on almost every page request with the following error: Ruby interpreter (CUI) 1.9.2p180 [i386-mingw32] has stopped working

I am not using MySQL nor do I have the gem installed, as many of the posts online have suggested as a potential cause. Where I can begin troubleshooting this issue? My environment is stated as below. This is a critical issue as I cannot continue de开发者_如何学Pythonvelopment in this environment so any ideas would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

Windows 7 64bit ruby 1.9.2p180 [i386-mingw32], installed with rubyinstaller Rails 3.0.4 crashes with webrick/mongrel


Add (or change)

config.log_level = :warn

in config/environments/development.rb

(not my solution - found it in another thread)

Ok, i found the issue. My css links somehow caused the windows ruby interpreter to crash if the media attribute isn't defined on more than 1 link (crazy!).

Original (crashes):

link rel="stylesheet" href="/stylesheets/jqModal.css" type="text/css"
link rel="stylesheet" href="/stylesheets/main.css" type="text/css"

Modified (doesn't crash):

link rel="stylesheet" href="/stylesheets/jqModal.css" type="text/css" media="screen, projection"
link rel="stylesheet" href="/stylesheets/main.css" type="text/css" media="screen, projection"

Here's some insight into the same (or similar) issue.

Seems to be windows specific (again!) according to the post.

It also happens when you want to link to missing files, before you actually create them.

Then the interpreter crashes after 2 requests in my case, but if you remove the missing file links it works just fine.

I had the same problem on windows, ruby interpreter crashing after every couple of pageloads.

my problem was here

<img src="<%= @game.image_url %>" />

and I fixed it with

<% if @game.image_url && @game.image_url != "" %>
 <img src="<%= @game.image_url %>" />
<% end %>

I had this error after precompiling files for heroku. After I deleted them from public/assets folder everything worked fine.





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