
strongly typed php alternative [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.

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I've been programming in PHP for several years now, but I also have some experience in other languages like java, c++, c# etc. I think PHP is a good language for web development, but I really miss some features from the other languages, mostly that PHP is weak typed, and real (operator) overloading is not possible. So now I'm looking for an alternative. I've already tried asp.net (c# mvc), and I really liked that language, but it is windows only, and I want a language which can run on linux based systems.

So do you have any suggestions? I want:

  • a strongly typed language
  • good mysql support
  • function overloading (preferably even operator overloading)
  • OOP
  • useful for web development

You may want to check out this similar question. Python seems to be highly recommended in the answers and satisfies all of your criteria except function overloading unfortunately. That said Java and C# both sound a lot like what you may be looking for, and can both be run on linux based systems.

The Django Framework is a python based web development framework that should let you develop web sites using Python if you choose that route.

I know this is an old question, but if you liked C# and ASP.NET MVC maybe you should look at Mono.

Try Haxe. It has a very strong typing and can be compiled to other languages, for example to PHP, so you have all the power of strong typing and flexibility to deploy it to any cheap PHP-driven hosting.

Well, if you like C++, and can write portable code(code that works between Linux and Windows) then you may look at one of the many C++ web frameworks.

Personally though, I couldn't imagine such a large amount of string manipulation in C++ :P





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