
GUI debugger for c++ on linux [closed]

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I'm looking for a GUI c++ debugger for Linux. Specifically, I need a debugger capable of dereferencing STL and Boost containers.

I have tried DDD and Eclipse/CDT; both of these开发者_C百科 debuggers have failed to dereference the aforementioned containers. I admit this may be a result of my lack of experience but I have certainly tried. It is my understanding, at the time of this posting, that latest versions of DDD and Eclipse (Helios) have still not resolved the issue.

Any related advice is appreciated,


Nemiver deserves to be more known IMHO. I find gdb and ddd so horrible (no offence, they are very powerful in their own way), that I gave up on interactive debugging for "printf debugging" whenever I could, for 15 years. Until I found Nemiver.

Why I gave up on it then? I switched from DOS and Windows with Turbo C and Borland C++ to Linux. And going to GDB or DDD was like going from a pure delight of stepping through your code, to something you did if you had no other choice. In fact, I have not seen a debugger anywhere as good as the one in Turbo C. You set triggers, you follow structs and linked lists just by clicking through them etc. One of these days I am going to put a youtube clip up to show the kids these days what they are missing out on. Most tools are way better nowadays, but not all of them, by far. End of Rant.

If DDD gives not what you want, hardly you'll find something different, as everybody uses GDB.

Anyway, you may give a try on

  • Kdbg if you want a standalone debugger.
  • Kdevelop if you want a full IDE.

Kdevelop 4.2 (beta) has some nice features. Hope you have luck.

You may also want to read what others have said:

  • 9 of the Best Free Linux Debuggers

You can use GDB to dereference STL containers with this in your .gdbinit. Choose a graphical front-end to GDB such as DDD or Eclipse, and you should be all set!

DDD is just a GUI frontend to GDB, and Eclipse probably is too (not sure), you need to use GDB macros to pretty-print STL containers, here is some info about it:


Intel makes excellent C++ debugger and it is free for educational and Non-profit development. Google - intel compiler non-profit

I would seriously look at the Eclipse and its CDK support, it is quite impressive and can be used on more than just Linux..

  • http://www.eclipse.org/cdt/
  • http://www.eclipse.org/cdt/downloads.php

You might consider TotalView, but it's not free.

You also can take a look on Zero Bugs debugger here or here

This answer applies to C++ debugging in Linux. Lack of good visual debugging tools is one of many reasons C++ is extremely unpopular on Linux.





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