
How to force node position (x and y) in graphviz

I am trying to force position of nodes. I have x and y coordinates of my nodes and its also directed graph. I can use the ra开发者_运维知识库nk=same to handle row (y coordinate), but can't figure out how I can handle column (x coordinate).

You can use pos attribute (https://www.graphviz.org/doc/info/attrs.html#d:pos), e.g.:

xxx [
    label = xxx
    pos = "0,0!"

yyy [
    label = yyy
    pos = "10,10!"

You will also have to specify neato or fdp layout engine, so that dot command-line would be (for fdp):

dot -Kfdp -n -Tpng -o sample.png sample.dot

Here is an example I found: https://observablehq.com/@magjac/placing-graphviz-nodes-in-fixed-positions

Essentially the position attribute "pos" can be specified for a node. Only works with neato or fdp layout engines, not dot.

The ! indicates that the position is an input and should not be altered.

I couldn't get the -n flag work with dot -Kfdp.

I was however able to get it working with neato using the following command:

neato sample.dot -n -Tpng -o sample.png





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