
ashx page giving 404 on https, while working fine on http

Other pages (aspx) are working fine on both http/https, only ashx gives response 404 on https, I used firefox开发者_JAVA技巧 firebug to investigate it.

I have two same virtual directory on IIS, one is mapped for https where this ashx is not working.

I guess some kind of mapping is missing for https on server, not sure where this kind of mapping is stored?

  • check your iis configuration, Default web site->application->Handler mappings check if .ashx registered
  • if handler is consumed in dll you should add handler mapping also to web.config file ( webserver section)

once i had some kind of issue. it wasn't about handler mappings. i declared error file in web.config but it didn't exist on file system so error happens in ashx file and request is redirect to error page but error page is not there so i got 404 error. maybe your problem could be something like this.

to understand problem truly add a simple handler file and request it via browser see if any problem occurs.





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