
why is the $_FILES super global always empty

here is my page

here is my form

<h2>Upload Photo</h2>
<form name="photo" enctype="multipart/form-data" action="<?php echo $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"];?>" method="post">
Photo <input type="file" name="image" size="30" /> <input type="submit" name="upload" value="Upload" />

i have this on top

<?php print_r($_FILES);?>

the script works perfectly locally and when i have it on the server i get nothing....

I have this set

ini_set ('max_execution_time', '86400'); 
ini_set('max_upload_filesize', "30M"); 
ini_set("post_max_size", "150M"); 

echo 'file_uploads: '. ini_get('file_uploads'). '<br />';
开发者_StackOverflow社区echo 'upload_tmp_dir: '. ini_get('upload_tmp_dir'). '<br />';
echo 'upload_max_filesize: '. ini_get('upload_max_filesize'). '<br />';
echo 'max_file_uploads: '. ini_get('max_file_uploads'). '<br />';

I thought it maybe gd but its enabled

GD Support  enabled
GD Version  bundled (2.0.34 compatible)
FreeType Support    enabled
FreeType Linkage    with freetype
FreeType Version    2.1.9
T1Lib Support   enabled
GIF Read Support    enabled
GIF Create Support  enabled
JPG Support     enabled
PNG Support     enabled
WBMP Support    enabled
XBM Support     enabled

Throw a <?php phpinfo(); ?> file on the server and then look in the file_uploads section to make sure it is set to on. I would check phpinfo() too since I have sometimes seen oddities with just checking ini_get()....

Also have you checked with Firebug to make sure that the file is being sent?

I Had the same probleme and i catched by edtiting my .htaccess File because he containe a function that make a rewriting in Url to hide the extension in the Web Page. maybe you have the same probleme. Change the name of .htaccess file to Test it.





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