
slideToggle numerous elements on a page

I have a map of a state with off of its counties sliced up as an image map. Instead of having a different function to click on each county and show its statistics is there a way to use something other than:

$('#county).click(function(){$(#countystats).slideToggle('fast'); 100+ times for all the diffe开发者_如何学Pythonrent counties?

Whenever you have multiple elements that need to be styled the same or that you might need to pick up as a 'group', you can use a class instead of an id.

So if you want to attach a click handler to all county elements, you could add a class attribute to each div or span or whatever and use that as the selector.


What this does is attach a click-listener to every element on the page that has class='county' (for example, <div class='county'> or even <img class='county'>) and on click of that element, toggles it's descendent element with the countystats class.

I'm assuming here that you have a separate countystats element for each. If instead you have one <div> with the id countystats, you can keep your original call


but note that it looks like it will cause the countystats to be toggled off with a second click so you probably want to change how that's handled. For example, I click on county 1, the stats slide into view. I click on county 2, the same handler is fired so the element is toggled off.





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