how can i resolve thi error in Navit
i working in i am met with this error...any body help me to solve this
user@blrkrts0057pc:~$ cd /hom开发者_如何学JAVAe/user/navit-0.2.0/navit
user@blrkrts0057pc:~/navit-0.2.0/navit$ ./navit navit1.xml
Running from source directory
graphics_qt_qpainter:graphics_priv* graphics_qt_qpainter_new(navit*,graphics_methods*, attr**, callback_list*):enter
graphics_qt_qpainter:graphics_priv* graphics_qt_qpainter_new(navit*, graphics_methods*, attr**, callback_list*):return
navit:plugin_load:can't load '/home/user/navit-0.2.0/navit/gui/qml/.libs/', Error '/home/user/navit-0.2.0/navit/gui/qml/.libs/ undefined symbol: _ZN8NGQProxy16staticMetaObjectE'
navit:main_real:Error parsing 'navit1.xml': Element 'gui' within unexpected context 'gui'. Expected 'navit' at line 46, char 164
This error
undefined symbol: _ZN8NGQProxy16staticMetaObjectE
usually means that library versions somehow don't match. Try to compile and run Navit and all the plugins on the same system, and see if the problem persists.
navit:main_real:Error parsing 'navit1.xml':
Element 'gui' within unexpected context 'gui'.
Expected 'navit' at line 46, char 164
This looks like an error in your navit1.xml (though it might be caused by the previous error). Have you tried correcting navit1.xml? Is there really an error in it?