
Recursion limit exceeded

I am using a jQuery Ajax control from this site http://abeautifulsite.net/2008/03/jquery-file-tree/

I have it all working. I tried to ask a support question but never heard back, thinking maybe someone on here can shed some light on the situation.

Basically what I am trying to do, is on a file selection run an action that returns a JsonResult, that gives more details about the file and then show them to the screen in a container. While I debug, the method gets hit, returns the correct data. After the return in the ajax call i get a error in firebug say the recursionlimit exceeded. I am not sure how to get around this...I thought I could use the callback of the fileTr开发者_开发知识库ee(options, callback) method provided but that is not fired on selection of the file only the initialization of the file tree. Any ideas?

Heres what I did via JavaScript

function initFileTree() {

    $('#fileTree').fileTree({ root: '/', script: '/Scripts/filetree/jqueryFileTree.aspx', multiFolder: false, expandEasing: 'easeOutBounce', collapseEasing: 'easeOutBounce' }, function(file) {




function getFileDetails(file) {

    // alert(file);

    $.getJSON('/Files.mvc/GetFileDetails', { Data: file }, function(data) {
        $('#fileDetail').html('<h6>Selected File: ' + data.Length + '</h6>');
    }, 'json');

Here is my action that take the data and returns a JsonResult

public virtual JsonResult GetFileDetails(string data)
            string pageMessage = null;

            FileInfo fileInfo = null;

                fileInfo = new FileInfo(data);
            catch (Exception e)
                pageMessage = e.Message;    

            return Json(fileInfo);

Apparently returning a FileInfo obj is not acceptable for a JsonResult. Simplifying the return, I changed it to:

return Json("helloWorld"); 

and all my problems went away. Not sure why it cares that I was attempting to return a FileInfo type but either way problem solved when I changed it to return a string. So now I just create a small wrapper class to hold the data I want to pass back and life is good.

Thanks! Hope this helps someone else.





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