
Question on usage of javascript's toFixed() function

I was looking for a JavaScript function to round a number to a specified amount of decimal places & I found this page: http://www.kadimi.com/en/round-float-349

That page includes a section that uses prototyping & the toFixed() function..... however I also found this page: http://freewebdesigntutorials.com/javaScriptTutorials/jsNumberObject/toFixedMethod.htm (see last example) & this uses the toFixed function straight up & appears to do the same thing.

I'm not a big javascript person so apologies if this is a stupid question, but what's the difference between them?

Here they are for clarity..

With prototype:

if (!Number.toFixed) {
    return Math.round(this*Math.pow(10, n)) / Math.pow(10, n);

// example:
floating_number = 123.45687;
decimal_points = 2;


var numex = 3.1415926535;
alert( numex.toFixed(5) );

I also tried out that first batch of code with this function..

function round_float(number,places){
    if (!number.toFixed) {
            return Math.round(this*Math.pow(10, places)) / Math.pow(10, places);
    } else {

It went into the "bad" alert section..... I'm guessing that was caused by the false response by toFixed; any idea why this function is written li开发者_Go百科ke that then?

Simple. Not all browsers have a toFixed so in the first example it provides a safety net. The alternative means the browser does have a toFixed which is not "bad" but "normal".

I'm not sure why you have the alert('bad') in your else block; all that really happens in the "bad" case, is that the number variable already has a member called toFixed defined (which evaluates to true when coerced to a boolean - always the case for a function).

That's not necessarily a bad thing, since this is what you want the end result to be?! The code seems to be defining a version if toFixed if there isn't already a native* implementation. The alert fires when there is native* support.

*(Well, either native to the browser or already added to the prototype by a JS library. Either way, it's already there so no more work is needed.)

I would try something like this:

if (!Number.toFixed){
    Number.prototype.toFixed = function(n){
        return Math.round(this * Math.pow(10, n)) / Math.pow(10, n);

var num = 123.4567;

Perform the "Existence check" before you need it, and not within the function. (Confirmed to work)

I am using function for javascript toFixed() functions. In my project QA tested for unit price For example it will be 79.9989 so if i used toFixed(2) result was 80.00. In my QA does not wants toFixed with 80.00 they want 79.99

Some cases : Before after tofixed(2) 78.896 78.89 78.996 78.99

So i used my function like this:

function customtoFixed(num){
  if(num % 1 != 0){
   var split_nums = (''+num).match(/(\d+)(\.\d+)?/);
             return (+split_nums[1]) + (+0.99);
      } else {
      return num.toFixed(2); 
   } else {
    return num.toFixed(2); 




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