Virtual Directory with struts-tiles
is have serious problems in configuring struts-tiles with virtual-directories for local developement. I have got my tiles-def.xml deployed in my ear. And i have got virtual-directory mapping, which works great, but not with tiles, because i want to include the jsp in my tiles-def.
is this possible? Does anybody have an experience?
I would probably try using wildcards with your struts tiles results.
You may also need to include some configuration settings in your struts.xml:
<constant name="struts.enable.SlashesInActionNames" value="true"/>
<constant name="struts.mapper.alwaysSelectFullNamespace" value="false"/>
<constant name="struts.patternMatcher" value="regex" />
If you have access to the directory structure in the url or in the struts action class, it can be passed to the tiles results as follows:
//passing the value in with the action call
<action name="hello/{myDirectory}">
<result type="tiles">/Hello.{1}.tiles</result>
//passing the value from a field within the action
<action name="hello">
<result type="tiles">/Hello.${myDirectory}.tiles</result>
You then set up the tiles to accept wildcards as well
<definition name="hello.*.tiles" template="/layout.jsp">
<put-attribute name="body" value="/{1}/hello.jsp"/>