How do I keep the current devise session from being destroyed automatically when navigating from page to page?
I've looked through the posts about devise's current_开发者_JAVA百科user, but none of them solve my problem. I can access current_user from my rails 3 views (erb files), but can not access it in the controller.
<%= %>
works in the erb.
@user = current_user
does not work in the controller. What am I missing?
I am getting nil as value. It turns out I am able to use
@user = current_user
in my index controller, but some how once it goes to a different action (like create) the session is destroyed.
So the real question now is:
How do I keep the current user signed in when going from page to page?
Finally figured out what the problem was: needed to get a fixed rails.js file from
Many thanks to @Patrick Connor link to his answer
Devise session immediately expiring on .js call [AJAX]