
Is there any errors with this PHP Code?

Is there any problem with this since i get no output returned?Thanks in advance.

$question_text 开发者_运维问答= $_POST['question_text'];

$first_word = explode(" ", $question_text);

$query ="SELECT c.field_name,t.category_name, d.domain_name FROM category_fields c, taxonomy_category t,  taxonomy_domain d
 WHERE c.category_Id = t.category_Id AND t.domain_Id = d.domain_Id
 AND c.field_name = '$first_word'";

I've changed my code to this and still no output.Is there a problem with the way i display them ?Thanks

$question_text = $_POST['question_text'];

list($first_word) = explode(' ', $question_text);

$query ="SELECT c.field_name,t.category_name, d.domain_name FROM category_fields c, taxonomy_category t, taxonomy_domain d WHERE c.category_Id = t.category_Id AND t.domain_Id = d.domain_Id AND c.field_name = '".mysql_escape_string($first_word[0])."'";

$result = mysql_query($query);

while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC))


echo "Keyword :{$row['c.field_name']}" . "Category : {$row['t.category_name']}" . "Domain : {$row['d.domain_name']}"; }


$first_word is an array, not a string, in your query you want $first_word[0]

it is also very unsafe to put any user submitted value directly in to a sql query, it should always be sanitised.

Instead of the explode line you could use following to get a correct SQL query:

$first_word = mysql_real_escape_string(strtok($question_text, " "));

The strtok cuts of the string until the first space. And escape function is necessary to prevent your script from SQL exploits.

Well after $first_word = explode(" ", $question_text); $first_word is an array because explode returns and array


$query ="SELECT c.field_name,t.category_name, d.domain_name FROM category_fields c, taxonomy_category t,  taxonomy_domain d
 WHERE c.category_Id = t.category_Id AND t.domain_Id = d.domain_Id
 AND c.field_name = '$first_word'";

should be

$query ="SELECT c.field_name,t.category_name, d.domain_name FROM category_fields c, taxonomy_category t,  taxonomy_domain d
 WHERE c.category_Id = t.category_Id AND t.domain_Id = d.domain_Id
 AND c.field_name = '".mysql_escape_string($first_word[0])."'";

Read http://php.net/manual/en/function.mysql-escape-string.php for what mysql_escape_string does.

list($first_word) = explode(' ', $question_text);

This should do the trick. Sanitize your database inputs!





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