
c++ about operator overloading


The assignment operator must be a non-static member function

operator(), operator[], and operator-> must also be implemented as non-static member functions.

for example

class IntList
    int m_anList[10];

    int& operator[] 开发者_C百科(const int nIndex);

int& IntList::operator[] (const int nIndex)
    return m_anList[nIndex];

this is subscript overloading. It only can be overloaded by using member function. It cannot be overloaded by using friend function, such as,

class Cents
    int m_nCents;

    Cents(int nCents) { m_nCents = nCents; }

    // Overload -cCents
    friend Cents operator-(const Cents &cCents);

// note: this function is not a member function!
Cents operator-(const Cents &cCents)
    return Cents(-cCents.m_nCents);

All these operators (operator=, operator(), operator[], and operator->) gets invoked on an instance of the class of which you define these operators as non-static member functions!

static member or non-member functions are like free functions. They don't get invoked on an instance of the class.

For example, if you make operator[] a static function, then you don't have this pointer inside it, then the function would not know which instance it is supposed to act on:

//illegal code
static int& IntList::operator[] (const int nIndex)
    return m_anList[nIndex]; //of which instance this `m_anList` is a member?

They have exactly one parameter because the assignment operator is a binary operator. The left hand side is the object being changed, the right hand side is the object being assigned to the left hand side.

It's non-static because static member functions aren't specific to a single instance of that class, they're general to the whole class. It doesn't make sense to do assignment on anything but a single instance.

Assignment operator (If i am not wrong you mean copy constructor internally) is instance specific. I.e. Content of each object must be copied/copyable. So it must be non static. Static functions have a more global role so it cannot take care of specific instances. In short if you have a requirement to affect the functionality of all your instances then only static members (variables and methods) must be used. As in a counter to hold the number of currently available objects count.

Now for only one parameter - It is because you need to create a copy ofsomething (eventhough it is a class object which has multiple data types internally, It is a single object only)

Similarly (),[] and -> are instance specific.





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