
Which Faces to choose

I am on the hunt for a extra component library to the core JSF 2.0 library. I need calender-pick, tabbed pane, tree view and other nice components to complete my Java EE 6 - Glassfish 3 project.

But I don't know which additional library to choose; MyFaces, OpenFaces, PrimeFaces, etc. I never tried any of them.

My most important requirement for the additional library I choose, is the footprint in bandwidth and memory it will make. It has the be a lightweight library, because the web-system is used by many users in the developing countries, where bandwidth is far from what we have in US开发者_JAVA百科/Europe. Plus it would be nice if there is some RAID editor tool for the web-designers people to use when designing the View/GUI part. Thought of Dreamweaver, but I don't know if it can render the components (JSF core and Faces libs)?

What additional Faces library do recommend me to choose?

RichFaces seems suitable option. You can use JBoss Tools (Free) as WYSIWYG IDE. It is being actively developed and maintained. The new version 4, will work even better with JSF2.
To conserve bandwidth you may need to look at compression techniques on static resources.





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