add static key word dynamically before the function
I want to like something :
define("M_STATIC", "static");
define("M_STATIC", "");
class A
M_STATIC function() // this is not allowed.
//do something my task
I think, you know.... what i want. :)
I'm using a CMS. and new version of CMS is changed with some function declaration.(like old cms not have static but new version have) so i think, my page should be compatible both version (this class extends by CMS class and this function is override to parent function )
This is just not possible, actually : a method is static
, or is not ; but it's something thats defined at compile-time, and not at execution-time.
And, in PHP, there is no pre-processor (like you'd have in C, for example), to do the kind of replacements you are asking.
Since the new version is static but the old version wants non-static, I'd define it static and then create an instance method that simply calls the static one for backward compatibility.
I am not sure doing something like this is possible(Which I do not think so) , even if it is possible ,It is not a good practice in OOP, it will make your code very difficult to understand and adds complexity to it. I am not sure what you want out of this bit if you want need a static function create a class to hold a static one and another class which holds non static functions.