
Is there an Android Tablet equivalent of UIPopOverController?

I'm just mucking around with Android tablet stuff in 3.0. I have fragments set up to do the equivalent of UISplitViewController for iPad. Anyone know what the best solution to get something like the iPad UIPopOverController is?

I'm thinking the options are either a separate dialog or开发者_如何学Go something in the Action Bar ...?

I haven't actually seen any Android tablets running 3.0 so not clear what the standard will be ...

Many thanks in advance

This may not be exactly what you are looking for because I'm not all that familiar with UIPopOverController but I think you can accomplish something similar using a Toast with a customized layout.

I would take a look at Creating Toast Notifications and see if it works for you.

Depending on the functionality needed it might work, otherwise you might need to look into trying to generate a modeless dialog with a custom layout.

As for your other question, yes options are generally stored in a separate activity within your application and following Honeycomb design the options activity would be accessible from the Action Bar and the options itself could be a fragment.

Its nothing official but I would crack open the source code to the contacts app for 2.0+ They emulate the popover UI using an Activity in a pretty creative way. It might be a little over kill as it was designed to be usable by any application not just itself. But it should help give you a nudge in the right direction.

Also depending on what the behavior you are looking for exactly a combination of fragments and action bar could be the way to go, but its not going to be as easy as iOS.





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