C# code behind Required validation
I am writing a c# code for a Required field validator for a Multiline text box.
I have a issue in the run time:
when i won't enter any text inside the text box
For first Click on submit (Button) it shows the error message
For second Click on submit it won't validate the text box and the form is submitted.
Same two issues when i even enter any text inside the text box.
Overall it is not validating...
Please help me on what could be the possible bug in the below code.
txtReport = new InputFormTextBox();
txtReport.TextMode = TextBoxMode.MultiLine;
txtReport.RichText = true;
txtReport.RichTextMode = SPRichTextMode.Compatible;
txtReport.Rows = 5;
txtReport.Width = new Unit(2开发者_JAVA百科00);
txtReport.ID = "txtReport";
reqVal = new RequiredFieldValidator();
reqVal.ID = "reqVal";
reqVal.ControlToValidate = txtReport.ID;
reqVal.SetFocusOnError = true;
reqVal.ErrorMessage = "*Comments field is mandatory";
reqVal.Enabled = true;
Thanks in advance
From what it sounds like you are not re-adding the validator after the first submit, causing the second submit not to validate. But it's hard to tell from the fragment you posted (in what event/method is this being called?).