
cakephp cache folder not writable on iis

Cakephp is saying my cache folder is not writable. Ive had a look and IIS DOES have write permissions on the folder.

Warning (512): C:\inetpub\wwwroot\myapp\tmp\cache\ is 开发者_运维技巧not writable [CORE\cake\libs\cache\file.php, line 267]

It appears the user to which you've granted access is not the user through which PHP/IIS is accessing that folder.

A simple solution is to grant Full Control access to Everyone for that folder. This should be reasonably safe, as this folder is not publicly accessible except through more-troubling misconfigurations.

Alternatively, you can attempt to discern which user PHP is impersonating to access the filesystem, and grant Read/Write access to that user. The PHP documentation for installation/configuration on IIS may be useful.

You need to give read/write permissions to everyone on that folder and its subdirectories.

I had this problem and it was because the cache folder was a file. I deleted the file and everything worked perfectly. I guess it got archived with an empty folder or something. I always wondered why the the empty file is inside of most empty folders, perhaps it prevents this problem.





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