
Getting facebook profile picture

i need to get the facebook profile picture of anyone by passing their id. But i no need to use facebook API or Graph anything else.. Just i need to give the url with that id.. Is it possible to get the 开发者_高级运维profile picture in this way? I tried in google but i didnt get it. If anyone knows this please respond me...

Well, I think the only options available are:

  • https://graph.facebook.com/[PROFILE_ID]/picture (You can include this URL inside a tag and it will work).
  • Scrap yourself the page corresponding to the profile, i.e. http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=[PROFILE_ID] and get the URL of the picture there.

I would suggest you to use the first one, because it gives you more flexibility about the picture size (?type=small, ?type=thumbnail, etc).


Keep in mind that this answer is from 2011, and Facebook makes changes in its APIs frequently.

Apart from using Graph API as already mentioned above (https://graph.facebook.com/[PROFILE_ID]/picture), there are a couple more ways:

  • FlipTop has a service that pulls up all sorts of information on Facebook users, including direct CDN URLs (e.g. https://fbcdn-profile-a.akamaihd.net/hprofile-ak-snc4/275588_504804917_147319_n.jpg) of profile pictures. (Link to API documentation)

  • Cloudinary has a similar service, but with hosting thrown in the mix. They do require you to open an account, but it's free. Then you can use their CDN URL format to link to any picture like this: http://res.cloudinary.com/[YOUR_ACCOUNT]/image/facebook/[PROFILE_ID].jpg (Read more here)





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