Split a string to a string of valid words using Dynamic Programming
I need to find a dynamic programming algorithm to solve this problem. I tried but couldn't figure it out. Here is the problem:
You are given a string of n characters s[1...n], which you believe to be a corrupted text document in which all punctuation has vanished (so that it looks something like "itwasthebestoftimes..."). You wish to reconstruct the document using a dictionary, which is available in the form of a Boolean function dict(*) such that, for any string w, dict(w) has value 1 if w is a valid word, and has value 0 otherwise.
- Give a dynamic programming algorithm that determines whether the string s[*] can be reconstituted as a sequence of valid words. The running time should b开发者_JAVA百科e at most O(n^2), assuming that each call to dict takes unit time.
- In the event that the string is valid, make your algorithm output the corresponding sequence of words.
Let the length of your compacted document be N.
Let b(n) be a boolean: true if the document can be split into words starting from position n in the document.
b(N) is true (since the empty string can be split into 0 words). Given b(N), b(N - 1), ... b(N - k), you can construct b(N - k - 1) by considering all words that start at character N - k - 1. If there's any such word, w, with b(N - k - 1 + len(w)) set, then set b(N - k - 1) to true. If there's no such word, then set b(N - k - 1) to false.
Eventually, you compute b(0) which tells you if the entire document can be split into words.
In pseudo-code:
def try_to_split(doc):
N = len(doc)
b = [False] * (N + 1)
b[N] = True
for i in range(N - 1, -1, -1):
for word starting at position i:
if b[i + len(word)]:
b[i] = True
return b
There's some tricks you can do to get 'word starting at position i' efficient, but you're asked for an O(N^2) algorithm, so you can just look up every string starting at i in the dictionary.
To generate the words, you can either modify the above algorithm to store the good words, or just generate it like this:
def generate_words(doc, b, idx=0):
length = 1
while true:
assert b(idx)
if idx == len(doc): return
word = doc[idx: idx + length]
if word in dictionary and b(idx + length):
idx += length
length = 1
Here b is the boolean array generated from the first part of the algorithm.
To formalize what @MinhPham suggested.
This is a dynammic programming solution.
Given a string str, let
b[i] = true if the substring str[0...i] (inclusive) can be split into valid words.
Prepend some starting character to str, say !, to represent the empty word. str = "!" + str
The base case is the empty string, so
b[0] = true.
For the iterative case:
b[j] = true if b[i] == true and str[i..j] is a word for all i < j
The O(N^2)
Dp is clear but if you know the words of the dictionary, i think you can use some precomputations to get it even faster in O(N)
A dp solution in c++:
int main()
set<string> dict;
string str = "123456712334245436564";
int size = str.size();
vector<int> dp(size+1, -1);
dp[0] = 0;
vector<string > res(size+1);
for(int i = 0; i < size; ++i)
if(dp[i] != -1)
for(int j = i+1; j <= size; ++j)
const int len = j-i;
string substr = str.substr(i, len);
if(dict.find(substr) != dict.end())
string space = i?" ":"";
res[i+len] = res[i] + space + substr;
dp[i+len] = dp[i]+1;
cout << *dp.rbegin() << endl;
cout << *res.rbegin() << endl;
return 0;
The string s[] can potentially be split into more than one ways. The method below finds the maximum number of words in which we can split s[]. Below is the sketch/pseudocode of the algorithm
bestScore[i] -> Stores the maximum number of words in which the first i characters can be split (it would be MINUS_INFINITY otherwise)
for (i = 1 to n){
bestScore[i] = MINUS_INFINITY
for (k = 1 to i-1){
bestScore[i] = Max(bestSCore[i], bestScore[i-k]+ f(i,k))
Where f(i,k) is defined as:
f(i,k) = 1 : if s[i-k+1 to i] is in dictionary
= MINUS_INFINITY : otherwise
bestScore[n] would store the maximum number of words in which s[] can be split (if the value is MINUS_INFINIY, s[] cannot be split)
Clearly the running time is O(n^2)
As this looks like a textbook exercise, I will not write the code to reconstruct the actual split positions.
Below is an O(n^2) solution for this problem.
void findstringvalid() {
string s = "itwasthebestoftimes";
set<string> dict;
vector<bool> b(s.size() + 1, false);
vector<int> spacepos(s.size(), -1);
//Initialization phase
b[0] = true; //String of size 0 is always a valid string
for (int i = 1; i <= s.size(); i++) {
for (int j = 0; j <i; j++) {
//string of size s[ j... i]
if (!b[i]) {
if (b[j]) {
//check if string "j to i" is in dictionary
string temp = s.substr(j, i - j);
set<string>::iterator it = dict.find(temp);
if (it != dict.end()) {
b[i] = true;
spacepos[i-1] = j;
for (int i = 1; i < spacepos.size(); i++) {
if (spacepos[i] != -1) {
string temp = s.substr(spacepos[i], i - spacepos[i] + 1);
cout << temp << " ";