problem with aspx url
i m building website in when i run my pages i expect that my brower should display url like this
but instead of this it displays
what could be t开发者_StackOverflowhe reasons behind it,,might be coz i m trying to make sessions but if that is the case than how can i remove these long characters from the url
you have set it to use the url for sessions (cookieless) so this is the sessionid, you will see a line similar to the one vbelow, if you want to set the seesion back to cookies just remove the cookieless=true
<sessionState mode="InProc" cookieless="true"/>
This is because url is used to track session id instead of cookies. This setting is normally configured in web.config by the sessionState element. If you use cookieless="true"
it will use urls. Set it to false
and cookies will be used.