
Is there too much code in my view? CakePHP / MVC design pattern

I am using google maps cakePHP helper by dereuromark to show a map in my view. The map also has markers, and each marker has its own associated listener that makes an ajax call.

The map is being rendered perfectly and everything works as expected. However, I am not sure if all this code be separated from my view? I am new to MVC architecture...

<h1>Render map</h1>

// returns true if user logged in
if (!$session->check('Auth.User.id')){
    echo $this->Html->link('Log in',array('controller'=>'users', 'action' => 'login'));
} else 
    echo "Hello " . $session->read('Auth.User.username') . "... ";
    echo $this->Html->link('Log out',array('controller'=>'users', 'action' => 'logout'));
echo $this->GoogleMapV3->map(array('map' => array('lat' => '44.230065', 'lng' => '-76.5000', 'zoom' => 14), 'div'=>array('id'=>'my_map3', 'height' => '400px', 'width' => '786px')));

foreach ($posts as $post) {
    $options = array(
        'lat' => $post['Post']['lat'],
        'lng' => $post['Post']['lng'],

    $marker = $this->GoogleMapV3->addMarker($options);
    $script = "$.ajax({
                          url: \"show_post.php?q=\"+{$post['Post']['id']},
                          success: function(html){
           开发者_Go百科                 $(\"#results\").html(html);


echo $this->GoogleMapV3->script();


If you could also point out any design flaws that would be great. Thanks

looks fine, as long as you dont do any model calls or to much business logic in the views you are good. you could stick the greeting in an element and just call $this->element('greeting'); at the top instead of the if





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