How to remove special character in id and title?
i want the result as
id =Afghanistan
inside bracket it gave the non english to solve it
id = "Afghanistan (\U0627\U0641\U063a\U0627\U0646\U0633\U062a\U0627\U0646)";
title = "AF\n \n";
id = "Albania (Shqip\U00ebria)";
title = "AL\n \n";
id = "Algeria (\U0627\U0644\U062c\U0632\U0627\U0626\U0631)";
title = "DZ\n \n";
id = "American Samoa";
title = "AS\n \n";
It'll make everything easier if you can make sure that everything after a opening bracket can be removed.
// find the location of the bracket
NSInteger bracketStart = [str rangeOfString:@"("].location;
// get the substring to the opening bracket
NSString *reducedStr = [str substringToIndex:bracketStart];
// remove whitespace at the end of the needed string
reducedStr = [reducedStr stringByTrimmingCharactersInSet:[NSCharacterSet whitespaceCharacterSet]];
and you can remove the newlines from your countrycode like this:
NSString *countryCode = [@"AF\n \n" stringByTrimmingCharactersInSet:[NSCharacterSet whitespaceAndNewlineCharacterSet]];
NSString* id_str = [NSString stringWithUTF8String: "Afghanistan (\u0627\u0641\u063a\u0627\u0646\u0633\u062a\u0627\u0646)\0"];
id_str = [[id_str componentsSeparatedByString: @"("] objectAtIndex: 0];
NSString* title = @"AS\n \n";
title = [title stringByTrimmingCharactersInSet: [NSCharacterSet characterSetWithCharactersInString: @"\n "]];