
Java swing. How to wait for other Jframes

In a JFrame, when I click on 'login', I pop up another Jframe which is the login window.

How do I make my main Jframe wait for my开发者_开发知识库 login Jframe to exit, before doing anything else?

Just use a modal dialog in stead of a frame, that way you cannot do anything else until it'is closed

see http://mindprod.com/jgloss/modal.html for explanation and see http://www.java2s.com/Tutorial/Java/0240__Swing/ASimpleModalDialog.htm for code example

If you insist on using a JFrame, you could use a workaround by cover the other frame by a glassframe.. Not too a nice solution, I admit..

I agree that a modal dialog would be the best option here, but if I were to answer this question in it's more general form, say:

How do I make one JFrame wait for another JFrame?

I would say the easiest way to acheive this is by registering and firing event listeners.

  • In your "child" frame, register the "main" frame as an event listener.
  • In your "main" frame,
    • implement your choice of listener, e.g. ActionListener
    • in the method called by the listener, e.g. actionPerformed, code the logic that handles what happens upon each of the actions it can respond to in the "child" frame.

One can easily implement this to a ny number of situations, including the login scenario described in the question.

Use JModalFrame instead of JFrame.





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