assign recordset to sql database using vb6
I have created recordset in vb6 and stored values that I read from txt file. When I am trying to execute the SQL query which will insert my recordset data into database table. I am getting error like,
Either EOF or BOF is true, or the current recoed has been deleted. requested operation requires current record.
I believe there is mistake in phrasing the individual name. But I don't know what it is.
Public Function ProcessDNE(ByVal strFileName As String) As Boolean
Dim intFileNbr As Integer
Dim strCurrentLine As String
Dim strRoutingNbr As String
Dim strAcct As String
Dim strIndividualName As String
Dim strAmount As String
Dim curAmount As Currency
Dim strParseString As String
Dim strParseFirstNm As String
Dim strParseMidInit As String
Dim strParseLastNam As String
Dim lngMidInitPos As Long
Dim lngParsePos1 As Long
Dim lngParsePos2 As Long
Dim lngParsePos3 As Long
Dim lngParsePos4 As Long
Dim lngParsePos5 As Long
Dim lngParsePos6 As Long
Dim lngPos As Long
frmDNELoad.lblStatus.Caption = "Reading File..."
'' # Set up rcdDNE structure
With rcdDNE.Fields
.Append "RTN", adVarChar, 9
.Append "AccountNbr", adVarChar, 17
.Append "IndividualName", adVarChar, 22
.Append "FirstName", adVarChar, 50
.Append "MiddleName", adVarChar, 1
.Append "LastName", adVarChar, 50
.Append "Amount", adCurrency
End With
intFileNbr = FreeFile(1)
Open strFileName For Input As #intFileNbr Len = 95 '' # Open file for input.
Do While Not EOF(intFileNbr)
Line Input #intFileNbr, strCurrentLine
If Mid(strCurrentLine, 1, 1) = 6 Then
strRoutingNbr = Mid(strCurrentLine, 4, 8)
strAcct = Trim(Mid(strCurrentLine, 13, 17))
strIndividualName = Trim(Mid(strCurrentLine, 55, 22))
strAmount = Trim(Mid(strCurrentLine, 30, 10))
strAmount = Left(strAmount, Len(strAmount) - 1)
curAmount = CCur(strAmount)
'' # Add new record to temporary recordset
With rcdDNE
.Fields![RTN] = strRoutingNbr
.Fields![AccountNbr] = strAcct
.Fields![IndividualName] = strIndividualName
.Fields![Amount] = curAmount
End With
End If
Close #intFileNbr
frmDNELoad.lblStatus.Caption = "Formatting Names..."
'' # Parse the IndividualName field
Do Until rcdDNE.EOF
lngMidInitPos = 0
lngParsePos1 = 0
lngPars开发者_如何学PythonePos2 = 0
lngParsePos3 = 0
lngParsePos4 = 0
lngParsePos5 = 0
lngParsePos6 = 0
strParseString = ""
strParseFirstNm = ""
strParseMidInit = ""
strParseLastNam = ""
strParseString = Trim(rcdDNE.Fields![IndividualName])
'' # Replace double spaces (" ") with a single space (" ")
lngPos = InStr(1, strParseString, " ")
Do While lngPos
strParseString = Mid(strParseString, 1, lngPos - 1) & Mid(strParseString, lngPos + 1, Len(strParseString))
lngPos = InStr(1, strParseString, " ")
'' # Locate positions of remaining spaces
lngParsePos1 = InStr(1, strParseString, " ")
If lngParsePos1 = 0 Then
lngParsePos2 = 0
lngParsePos2 = InStr(lngParsePos1 + 1, strParseString, " ")
End If
If lngParsePos2 = 0 Then
lngParsePos3 = 0
lngParsePos3 = InStr(lngParsePos2 + 1, strParseString, " ")
End If
If lngParsePos3 = 0 Then
lngParsePos4 = 0
lngParsePos4 = InStr(lngParsePos3 + 1, strParseString, " ")
End If
If lngParsePos4 = 0 Then
lngParsePos5 = 0
lngParsePos5 = InStr(lngParsePos4 + 1, strParseString, " ")
End If
If lngParsePos5 = 0 Then
lngParsePos6 = 0
lngParsePos6 = InStr(lngParsePos5 + 1, strParseString, " ")
End If
'' # Determine if Middle initial is present
If (lngParsePos3 - lngParsePos2) = 2 Then
lngMidInitPos = lngParsePos2 + 1
rcdDNE.Fields![MiddleName] = Mid(strParseString, lngMidInitPos, 1)
ElseIf (lngParsePos4 - lngParsePos3) = 2 Then
lngMidInitPos = lngParsePos3 + 1
rcdDNE.Fields![MiddleName] = Mid(strParseString, lngMidInitPos, 1)
ElseIf (lngParsePos5 - lngParsePos4) = 2 Then
lngMidInitPos = lngParsePos4 + 1
rcdDNE.Fields![MiddleName] = Mid(strParseString, lngMidInitPos, 1)
ElseIf (lngParsePos6 - lngParsePos5) = 2 Then
lngMidInitPos = lngParsePos5 + 1
rcdDNE.Fields![MiddleName] = Mid(strParseString, lngMidInitPos, 1)
ElseIf (lngParsePos2 - lngParsePos1) = 2 Then
lngMidInitPos = lngParsePos1 + 1
rcdDNE.Fields![MiddleName] = Mid(strParseString, lngMidInitPos, 1)
End If
'' # If there is a middle initial, everything to the left of it goes into the
'' # first name field, and everything to the right of it goes into the last
'' # name field. If there is no middle initial, everything after the first space
'' # goes into the last name field.
If lngMidInitPos <> 0 Then
rcdDNE.Fields![FirstName] = Trim(Left(strParseString, lngMidInitPos - 1))
rcdDNE.Fields![LastName] = Trim(Mid(strParseString, lngMidInitPos + 1, Len(strParseString)))
rcdDNE.Fields![FirstName] = Trim(Left(strParseString, lngParsePos1))
rcdDNE.Fields![LastName] = Trim(Mid(strParseString, lngParsePos1 + 1, Len(strParseString)))
End If
'' # Write records to Database
frmDNELoad.lblStatus.Caption = "Loading data into database......"
Call FindServerConnection_NoMsg
'' # Do Until rcdDNE.EOF
'' # rcdDNE.MoveFirst
'' # cmdCommand.CommandText = "insert into t_DATA_DneFrc (RTN, AccountNbr, FirstName, MiddleName, LastName, Amount) values ('" & rcdDNE("RTN") & "', '" & rcdDNE("AccountNbr") & "', '" & rcdDNE("FirstName") & "', '" & rcdDNE("MiddleName") & "', '" & rcdDNE("LastName") & "', '" & rcdDNE("Amount") & "')"
'' # cmdCommand.Execute ()
'' # rcdDNE.MoveNext
'' # Loop
Dim lngRecCount As Long
lngRecCount = 0
Set rcdReclamation = New ADODB.Recordset
With rcdReclamation
.ActiveConnection = objConn
.Source = "insert into t_DATA_DneFrc (RTN, AccountNbr, FirstName, MiddleName, LastName, Amount) values ('" & rcdDNE("RTN") & "', '" & rcdDNE("AccountNbr") & "', '" & rcdDNE("FirstName") & "', '" & rcdDNE("MiddleName") & "', '" & rcdDNE("LastName") & "', '" & rcdDNE("Amount") & "')"
.CursorType = adOpenDynamic
.CursorLocation = adUseClient
.LockType = adLockOptimistic
.Open , , , , adCmdStoredProc
End With
Do Until rcdDNE.EOF
lngRecCount = lngRecCount + 1
frmDNELoad.lblStatus.Caption = "Adding record " & lngRecCount & " of " & rcdDNE.RecordCount & " to database."
Call CommitNew
frmDNELoad.lblStatus.Caption = "DNE Processing Complete."
End Function
My guess is that the error occurs on rcdReclamation.Source = ...
because you're accessing items from the rcdDNE
recordset in building the query. Just prior to your setup of rcdReclamation
, you ran through a loop of rcdDNE
until it was EOF. So when you're creating the query, rcdDNE
is guaranteed to return EOF.
Edit: Possible solution
It's been a bit since I used recordsets this way (I generally just use queries and execute them on the connection) so I might be off a bit. To actually save all the records to the database, you need to call UpdateBatch
. When using AddNew
to create records and Update to save changes, you need to call UpdateBatch
at the end of all the adding/editing to commit the changes to the database. So I would replace everything from the "Loading data into database......" line to the end with a simple rcdDNE.UpdateBatch