ExtJS extended chart
ExtJS has Bar, Cartesian, Column, Line, Pie, Charts. They are very simple and generic based on Flash comp开发者_StackOverflowonent http://yui.yahooapis.com/2.8.2/build/charts/assets/charts.swf.
Is it other flash component availble and can be freely use with ExtJS ?
Is using other flash required special adaptation (extention) of Ext.chart.XXX class and when I can find more info (tutorial / manual) about it?
Unfortunately, the flash based charting of ExtJS offers less features. You can go for HighCharts (which is not flash based). You need to use an adapter for working with highcharts in ExtJS.
On the other hand, if you can wait,,... you can use the ExtJS 4 charting components which are not flash based but offer lots of features.