
How to connect oracle in a android project

im deve开发者_开发知识库loping a app in android 2.3, i need to connect to oracle server to fetch data for my app, can anyone tell me wat are the lib files to add and where. Please help

Please be sensible. Write a Web service front end for your database, one that protects your database server from rogue activity. Then, use that Web service for your mobile apps.

Another solution you should consider is mobile server, a product from Oracle designed specifically for syncing data between Oracle DB and mobile devices.

It includes a fully configurable synchronization engine that can either run stand alone, or be controlled from inside your app via APIs. It supports SSL so you can have safe, secure access to your data from Android and other mobile devices.

You can read about it here:


Also you can download it from the download tab on the same link and try it out yourself.

Good luck with your project,

Eric, Oracle PM





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