
Right way to store persistent but volatile app data in Mac os

I need to store some data of my app and I'm trying to figure out where should I place it. I need to save the user-related statistic database which is growing during the user PC activity. I also need to store log file which I don't want to be deleted during the restart. So I don't consider it temporary but persistent instead. I've read the article but it confused me still more. I didn't find the right way to store my data. The only directory I find to be the right way is "Application support" but Apple states unambiguously "This directory should never contain any kind of user data."

So is there a way to store the data without guide violation? I just don't want to reinvent the wheel and store my data in an inappropriate place so the end-user would c开发者_开发问答urse me :)

General data should be in ~/Library/application-name, and logs in ~/Library/Logs.





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